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collective fashion justice

CFJ is a Not-for-Profit organistation working to achieve a fashion system that upholds total ethics, for the good of people, animals and the planet. Part of that system is creating a set of guidelines - CFJ Base Values - that brands can be audited upon and achieve credentials for, demonstrating to consumers an ethical supply chain and more.


Brand + Visual Identity

Creative Direction

Social Direction

Report Design


Collective Fashion Justice

'under the skin'
social campaign

Creative direction and social assets addressing CFJs findings of the leather industry taken from their research papers. 

CFJ Under their skin Leather Impact 1.gif

social motion

Creative direction for motion graphics used across social channels.

'leather's impact on-'

Creative and branding direction for a series CFJs industry reports detailing their findings around the leather industry and it's impact on animals, people, and the planet.

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